What I Love the Most About All This

Last year I took our staff through a little exercise.  It was designed to help us think through what we're most passionate about in ministry.  I'll share it with you in the hopes that you'll reflect on it too:

If the doors to this ministry were closed tomorrow, six months down the road, what would you miss most about Connexus?

I wrestled hard with that question for a few days and realized something surprising.
Would I miss the people?  Of course!  Would I miss leading Connexus?  Sure (well, most days anyway; leadership isn't all fun).  And I would miss preaching for sure.  But none of these are what I would miss most.
What would I miss most?  A great environment that those of us who follow Christ can invite our friends into.
I realized that eventually I would not be able to stand the fact that Central Ontario is missing what I believe is an incredible environment that those of us who follow Christ can invite our friends into.
When 90% of the population doesn't go to church, it's a sign that current church maybe isn't working that well.  And while we are far from perfect, what I love about our community is that everyone pulls hard to create an environment our friends who don't go to church want to come back to.  And as they come back, many of them are entering into a growing relationship with Jesus.
So if we couldn't do this anymore, I realized I would end up volunteering to help anyone who could create that kind of environment in Central Ontario.
The great news is that our doors are wide open as they are every weekend.  And this weekend in Barrie and on November 21st in Orillia we're launching a few fun incentives to help you bring your friends out, foster conversation and make them feel so welcome. Stay tuned for more details.
Right now, I'm incredibly grateful for all that God is doing, for friends who are coming with us.  And I'm so thankful that Christ is becoming more and more real to people.  That fuels me.
Thanks for making it happen…and get ready.  Over the next three weeks we're going to do some really fun stuff to help invite and engage our friends.   You ready?  Who might you invite next?
– Carey


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Carey Nieuwhof

Written By

Carey Nieuwhof

Carey is the founding pastor of Connexus Church and has been serving in ministry since 1995. He is passionate about leading people into a relationship with Christ and helping people thrive in life and leadership.

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