"The 12 Step Christianity course has made a tremendous difference in my life and in my walk with Jesus."

12 Step Christianity

Do you feel hopeless? Stuck in prisons of addictions, spending, overeating or other self-defeating behaviors?

In 12 Step Christianity, members learn that God can transform lives by hearing His voice, and following His directions through a biblical application of Alcoholics Anonymous’ Twelve Steps.

This 12 week small group is not just for alcoholics or addicts, but for anyone who hopes for healing and freedom from the bondage that impacts them. Anonymity will be a respected foundation for how this group operates.

Radically changed lives validated Jesus' ministry 2000 years ago, and He continues to radically change lives today!

His life-changing power regularly transforms many: hopeless addicts into sober role models, angry spouses into joyous individuals, even sinners into saints.

Twelve Step Christianity is for anyone seeking recovery from addictions or destructive habits (overeating, gambling, drug addiction, codependency, overspending etc), through a relationship with Jesus, and the biblical application of Alcoholics Anonymous' Twelve Steps. These steps are dynamic tools that enable individuals to experience Christ in powerful and life-changing ways.

This is a 12 week small group that meets once a week and includes readings, suggested steps, and discussion questions in a workbook format, to encourage open and honest sharing, fellowship, and freedom. Anonymity will be a respected foundation for how this group operates.

"The 12 Step group introduced me to a community of people that are struggling with addiction issues just like I am. I have grown more in my relationship with God because of this group and I look forward to continuing on my faith journey while working through my issues."

"The 12 Step Christianity program has provided me with lifelong friendships, a support system, and tools as I battle my addiction."

"I decided to give up alcohol forever with God's help and the support around me, and I feel confident it will happen. It has been baby steps for me. And a huge amount of growth and learning. I'm so thankful."

"I'm so grateful a program like this even exists. Coming from a life full of trauma, where others’ alcoholism negatively impacted me and my family, I'm so grateful a program like this even exists. It is a safe place."

"I couldn’t do it on my own before. I tried. When I surrendered my desires and asked to become more like Christ, God did for me what I couldn’t do for myself: He changed me from the inside out! "

"This 12 step program is based on spiritual principles. I have found the program immensely helpful when I was suffering from addiction."

"Going through the steps I learned so much about God and his love for us. It taught me how to put him in the centre of my life. I always thought my sins were too big, but this helped me understand what Jesus did for us on the cross and I know today I’ve been forgiven."

"The 12 steps to christianity program saved my soul, my life and my marriage. I could not have done this by myself. I am forever grateful to those who helped me."

"I would recommend this course to anyone who wants to deepen their relationship with Jesus and/or feels that an area of their life is negatively affecting that relationship and other relationships in their lives. There is hope and we are not alone."