Sam & Fola

Sam and Fola’s Journey with Generosity

Sam and Fola and their three children are grateful to have discovered a place that encourages their spiritual growth as a family. Their journey to Connexus began with their kids’ excitement about the high school ministry, InsideOut. Fola shared, “The leaders were talking about things that were very relevant to the struggles that teenagers are facing today. And our kids made lots of friends.” This initial connection led the family to a collective decision to make Connexus their church home.

Throughout Sam and Fola’s relationship with Jesus, God has taught them much about generosity. Sam candidly expressed his early reluctance: “I was bound by the fear of giving, wanting to hold on to everything.” However, a significant shift occurred when he chose to give in obedience to God, describing it as a moment of true freedom. This experience was especially poignant during a period of financial hardship early in their marriage, highlighting the paradox that generosity can indeed be a pathway to deeper faith.

Fola emphasized the spiritual dimension of giving: “God wants all and every part of me. God’s call to give for me is just a surrender to his will.” This perspective reflects a deeper understanding of stewardship, where giving is an expression of total trust in God’s provision.

The couple’s enthusiasm for Connexus’ community-focused vision only strengthens their commitment to generosity. Sam and Fola are excited about the church’s efforts to be accessible and inviting to everyone, its engagement with local partners, and the ambitious plans for expansion at the Barrie location, where they attend. “Barrie is hungry for Jesus,” Fola noted, urging others to join the FOR Them initiative and support the church’s mission.

Sam’s perspective on Connexus’ expansion encapsulates the essence of their faith-driven passion: “The plans to expand are bold. And it takes a massive God to accomplish a massive vision.” This statement not only reflects their personal journey of spiritual growth, but also our collective aspiration as a church community.


As we consider Sam and Fola’s experience, may it inspire us to embrace generosity in our own lives, to step out in faith, and to participate in the greater work that God is calling us to. Their story is a powerful reminder that generosity is not only about the act of giving, but about opening our hearts to God’s limitless grace and experiencing the deep sense of fulfillment that comes from being for others.

Watch Sam and Fola's story.


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