
Embracing the Journey of Faith and Generosity

As Julia reflects on her family’s faith, she is reminded of the countless blessings they have experienced through their faith and commitment to giving. Julia and her husband Andy and their two boys have been attending Connexus Orillia since the beginning. From the moment they walked through the Cineplex doors, they knew they had found their church home.

One of the first steps they took to deepen their connection with the community was joining a small group, instantly making them feel like integral parts of the church family. Growing up in a Christian household where tithing was a fundamental practice, Andy and Julia also carried this commitment into their marriage.

Their journey with generosity took on new meaning as they encountered various campaigns at Connexus, each requiring financial support beyond their regular giving. These moments challenged them to reevaluate their budget and identify areas where they could make sacrifices. Whether it meant cutting back on non-essentials or selling unused possessions, they were willing to do whatever it took to honour their pledge.

Through each act of giving, Andy and Julia witnessed the undeniable presence of God in their lives. His blessings were experienced in unexpected ways, reaffirming their faith and strengthening their desire to follow his call to generosity. They understood that giving wasn’t just a financial obligation but instead was a spiritual discipline that shaped their character.

Passing on these values to their children became a cornerstone of their parenting journey. Andy and Julia instilled in them the importance of sharing not only their financial resources but also their time and talents with those in need.

Their belief in the mission of Connexus further fueled their commitment to giving. Witnessing the impact of their contributions on initiatives for the next generation filled them with a sense of purpose and fulfillment. They were proud to be part of a community dedicated to reaching the unchurched and spreading the message of Christ’s love.

The recent announcement of a permanent location in Orillia filled Andy and Julia with excitement and anticipation. They envisioned the possibilities it held for their family and the larger community, especially in terms of enhanced spaces for children and student ministry. It was another reminder of God’s faithfulness and provision in their lives.

Julia would encourage everyone to embrace the journey of giving, no matter how small the starting point may seem. Just as any discipline requires practice and perseverance, so too does generosity. If we trust in God’s guidance and enabling, we will discover a joy and fulfillment that transcends material wealth.

Watch Julia's story.


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