Team Win…

Earlier today I wrote a blog post about how our staff and leadership team at Connexus thinking about ‘winning' in ministry.   Whether you're a Yankess fan or not, it's clear that they just won the world series.  How do you know you're winning in ministry?

I want to expand on that with a few stories about how I think we're winning.  The efforts of every person who invests time, energy and resources in the ministry at Connexus helps our team and community win.  

A huge emphasis at Connexus is practical teaching.   The story of Don and his fiance Cindy cutting up eight credit cards as a response to Part One of Life. Money. Hope. was just so huge.  So proud of him, and so tangible.

On Monday I made a pit stop to a local bookstore only to have a woman introduce herself.  She attends Connexus and told me she was actually in the book store to apply Sunday's message.   She had the Bible open to Proverbs and was using her lunch break to read a chapter – a direct takeaway from Dave Ramsey's Sunday message in which he mentioned reading one proverb a day for a month. 

Man, I love catching people "applying the message".  Bring it on!

Then there's the whole idea about starting a church for people who aren't into church.  Yesterday I had a conversation with a new friend of mine who said he first heard about Connexus 18 months ago from someone he knew.  When he asked what it was about, she said it was a church for people who don't go to church.  He replied by saying he doubted the church would have any impact on his life.  Eighteen months laters, he's attended a half dozen times, wants to come back, and is inviting friends.  I'm so grateful for that.

How are wins measured at Connexus?  More than by numbers, spreadsheets or trends – they're measure by changed lives, by people who would never try church getting to know Jesus.  That's how we measure wins.

Any stories happening around you?  What are you celebrating?

– Carey


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Carey Nieuwhof

Written By

Carey Nieuwhof

Carey is the founding pastor of Connexus Church and has been serving in ministry since 1995. He is passionate about leading people into a relationship with Christ and helping people thrive in life and leadership.

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