Sunday Brain Dump

Hey friends . . .

It's another "stream of thought" from Rich!  It was great to be at our Orillia Campus this morning again after having been in Barrie for the last month or so.  Here's some stuff that I saw . . .

  • Fastest Set up by Eteam – Jeff and his ETeam rock.  They continue to set land speed records for setting up in Orillia.  In fact they are moving their "doors open" time back 15 minutes because of that!  Another 15 minutes of sleep for this team counts for something!  (I think that's something like another 13 hours a year of sleep . . . but I digress.)  Good job team!
  • Kids Environments – It was great to see our children's environments packing out today.  We are in the great spot of having to work on "expansion" plans to accommodate the numbers of kids coming to UpStreet and Waumba.  Great job folks!  (plug … plug … wanna help serve?)
  • Clean front end – Our welcome teams continue to do a great job to present a nice "face with the place" at Orillia.  They do a solid job of being friendly and available without being "too available" (ala Walmart Greeters.)
  • Band – Another solid experience by Turn of the Stars again today.  Love those guys . . . hearts of gold.
  • Orillia Invited Friends – Typically the Sunday after Easter is a down attendance Sunday in church-world.  Not at Orillia this weekend – thanks for inviting your friends and family!  We hope they had a great time!
  • Challenging Message from Carey – Personally I find the passage Carey used this week in the message from Acts 17 very inspiring and challenging.  It's one of those places that self validates the new testament for me … if someone was making up a series of stories to attempt to "win over" the Jewish believers of the day they simply wouldn't have written that in.  Paul goes to the people at Athens and starts by comparing God ("big G" God) to an idol (think "little g" god) in order to ultimately tell people about Jesus.  Do you see how crazy that would be to the religious folks of the day?  The old testament is full of God talking about how band idol worship is and here Paul uses an idol as a starting point for a conversation.  Brilliant … the Jewish believers of the time simply wouldn't believe that it happened … if it didn't.  Anyways . . . now I'm preaching a different message.
  • Conversation – Great to see people sticking around and talking so much after the services.  It's a first step to community … so glad people are expressing interest in GroupLink already even though we've just started talking about it. 

Those are the top of mind things . . . what about you?  Any reflections on your time at Connexus today?

Rich Birch
[email protected]
Executive Director of Operations
Connexus Community Church


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