Helping Others Thrive This Christmas

We're hearing your stories and they're so encouraging:  all year long, people have been living with margin and living on mission.  You ready for what's next?
We want to take that to a new level in this month through Thrive Christmas.

This month we're asking everyone at Connexus to bring a special Thrive Christmas offering with them to Connexus on Sunday, December 18th. 
Wouldn’t it be awesome – even as we buy gifts for other people — to make our most extravagant gift to go to the work of Jesus?
Here's what we want to do:  we want to raise $80,000 this month for Thrive Christmas to help three special mission partners:
  • $10,000 for the Orillia Lighthouse Christian Men’s Shelter.  You can help minister to homeless men in the downtown core of Orillia.
  • $10,000 for the Barrie Food Bank.  You can help feed the homeless in Barr
  • $60,000 for other strategic partner churches. This month we want to fully pay off  the strategic partner loan we received from North Point when we launched Connexus four years ago.  As we do that, it will go directly to help other strategic partner church.  Love what Connexus has done for you?  You can help create churches unchurched people love to attend.
That’s Thrive Christmas.
So how do you give?
On December 18, 2011, we will receive the gift offering during both of our weekend services at both campuses.  I’m enclosing a special giving envelope so you can be prepared to give on that day. Please pray about your gift and about how you can fuel mission this Christmas.
You can get more information on the offering online or you can just go online now here and give.  It’s safe, secure and simple to use.
Let’s do our very best for the wider community this Christmas, and help even more people Thrive! Living on mission is the best way to impact the lives of other people.
– Carey

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Carey Nieuwhof

Written By

Carey Nieuwhof

Carey is the founding pastor of Connexus Church and has been serving in ministry since 1995. He is passionate about leading people into a relationship with Christ and helping people thrive in life and leadership.

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