What Happens When Parents Pick a Service to Attend…

So here's a concept that we'd love for every parent to think about.  Starting in September, we'd love for you to pick a service time to attend regularly.   We have two services at each campus each weekend: 8:30 and 10:00.  I know we talk about the convenience of having two services at our campuses.  And I know the pressures on families and how flexibility to attend either is a great thing.  But here's what we'd love for you to do:  we'd love for your family to pick the service time that works best for you, and then commit to attending it consistently.
Why?  Because we think your kids will end up stronger in the end.  Kids who attend the same service week in and week out have a huge advantage over those who don't:  they can build a strong relationship with their small group leader and the friends in their group. And at Connexus, small groups for kids of every age are one of the cornerstones of our family ministry strategy.  They help you parent beyond your capacity because they widen the circle of influence in your child's life.
At Connexus, we don't really have ‘teachers' who lead ‘classes', we have group leaders who lead small groups.  The goals for our small group leaders include getting to know your child personally and helping the kids in their group apply the day's lesson to whatever situation they're facing in life.   We keep our groups small on purpose.  We love it when group leaders don't just know the name of the kids in their groups, but they know their story:  their favourite foods, colours, movies, their friends…their heart.
As a parent this gives you another adult in your child's life saying the same thing you would say.  If your child has reached his or her fifth birthday, you realize that you can say something all day long and your kids might ignore it, but someone else can walk in the room and say what you've been saying and your child bursts out with “that's such a great idea.  I think I'll do that.”  It's in those moments you try not to roll your eyes and scream at the same time. That's the power of another voice.
Peers also shape a child or teen.  We all sense that our child's friends help determine the direction and quality of their lives…so it's critical to have positive peer relationships in their lives.  When you commit to attending the same service every week, you help foster friendships in your child's life that can help them run in the right direction.
Since relationships always get better with consistency and time, attending the same service weekly really leverages those relationships fully.
The flexibility of having two services each Sunday is great for guests and those tightly scheduled weekends we all run into once in a while, but when you choose a service and decide to attend it regularly, you really help your family thrive.
– Carey


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Carey Nieuwhof

Written By

Carey Nieuwhof

Carey is the founding pastor of Connexus Church and has been serving in ministry since 1995. He is passionate about leading people into a relationship with Christ and helping people thrive in life and leadership.

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