Three Reasons Why Your Prayers Don't Work

Ever think your prayers don't ‘work'?  If so, you're not alone.  It's going to be a fantastic weekend at Connexus as we tackle that question.  Both our current series (Save & Delete and our new series Hello??) are about prayer.  As we wrap up Save & Delete in Orillia, we'll finish up our look at David's cry for help in Psalm 101 and see in incredible terms the best things to save and the best things to delete in your life.
In Barrie we kick off a brand new series called Hello??.  In it, we'll outline three reasons you don't hear from God when you pray.  Going to be a great series and one you should invite your friends to.
Finally, DON'T BE LATE!  Mom's, we have something a little fun and hopefully therapeutic for you five minutes before the service starts.  So be in your seats early!  It will be fun!
Oh, and have you RSVP'd for Grateful yet?  If not, do so now!
Here's what up this weekend!
Barrie Campus
8.30 and 10.00 am | Galaxy Cinemas, Barrie
Hello?? | Part 1: Why Your Prayers Don’t Work :: Carey Nieuwhof
We’ve all been disappointed when our prayers don’t get answered the way we hoped. Are we praying incorrectly?  Is there a better way to pray?  Does God just not care?  This week, we’ll look at why looking for specific answers in prayer can be disappointing, and what to do about it.
Orillia Campus
8.30 and 10 am | Family Ministry @ 10am | Galaxy Cinemas, Orillia
Save & Delete – Part 4: Save
As much as there are some things we should delete in our lives, there are some things that should never be deleted.  In fact, they need to be saved.  Even backed up to be kept forever.  We’ll look at the kinds of things–and the kinds of people–you want to always have close to you.


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Carey Nieuwhof

Written By

Carey Nieuwhof

Carey is the founding pastor of Connexus Church and has been serving in ministry since 1995. He is passionate about leading people into a relationship with Christ and helping people thrive in life and leadership.

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