The 24 Day Devotion Day 11 – Jesus Teaches to Pray in Six Simple Steps

by Dave and Amanda Walker, Barrie Campus, Guest Service and Social Media Team

Welcome to Day 11 of the 24 Day Devotion. So glad you’re joining us! Each day for 24 days as a church, we’re going to read one chapter of the Gospel of Luke and post a devotion on it.

If you’ve never read the Bible, we’re so glad you’re joining us. And if you read the Bible, we hope this helps you grow in your faith.

Need to catch up?  Start at Luke 1 – Is The New Testament A Lie? and follow along.  Today’s devotion is below.


READ Luke 11


At the beginning of the chapter, one of the disciples asked Jesus to TEACH them to pray. 

Since the disciples thought it important enough to learn from Jesus, we should follow the same example in our prayer life. Jesus gives us the Lord’s Prayer as a MODEL prayer – short, sweet, simple and honest. The key to praying is just to simply and sincerely talk to God.

Father, may your name by kept holy – It is a privilege to talk to God like a child would talk to his earthly father and have reverence and respect for God’s great name.  Think about who you are talking to.

May your Kingdom come soon – Pray with hope, hope in His kingdom. Pray we can serve Him and pray for his kingdom to come here on earth.

Give us each day the food we need – Pray for our needs, not our wants, trust in His faithfulness to provide.

And forgive us our sins – Repent, recognize how we fall short (as we all do), decide to turn from old ways, asking for His mercy as God is faithful to forgive.

As we forgive those who sin against us – show the same mercy God has given us, to anyone who wrongs us.

And don’t let us yield to temptation – Ask God for His guidance, His will for our lives. Make sure not to be lead by our own foolish desires, and keep on His path.

Jesus then encourages us to be persistent in prayer. Keep on asking, keep on seeking, keep on knocking. He loves you like a Father. We are reminded that God is a Father who loves His children, not spoiling them, but always faithful.

Most importantly, to pray to be filled with the Holy Spirit and that the Spirit may be our earthly guide.


Make prayer an essential part of your life, like food and water, make sure that prayer becomes a must in your day. Pray continuously, ask God's Spirit to guide you.


Talk to God like you do a best friend, He is a loving Father.  

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Connexus Church

Our mission is to lead people into a growing relationship with Jesus. Our vision is to create a church unchurched people love to attend. Aren’t sure you believe in Jesus but you want to know more? Perfect. We started this church for you.

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