The Connexus Podcasts – The Easiest Way to Get the Message

We always get questions about how people can get a copy of our weekend messages.  So this week, we're sharing the easiest way to make you sure you get every Connexus message you want delivered to you automatically:  by podcast.

You don't even need an iPod or MP3 player to use a podcast.  Just a computer.  Here's how:

  • Once iTunes is installed, open it and go to "store".
  • In the iTunes stores, type 'connexus community church' in the top right search window.  Our podcasts will appear.  Select the video or audio podcast (your choice) or both.  Choose "subscribe".  It's free.
  • Every week, a new podcast will arrive in your iTunes.  We usually upload our podcasts by Tuesday evening each week at the latest.

Got questions?  We're happy to help?  Tell your friends!

You can also watch our messages on our website or pick up a good old fashioned CD Sunday mornings (they're made on the spot), but by far podcast is the most convenient.

The first message of our Orange Families series is already on-line.  Looking forward to how God uses this series to impact our friends and families!


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Carey Nieuwhof

Written By

Carey Nieuwhof

Carey is the founding pastor of Connexus Church and has been serving in ministry since 1995. He is passionate about leading people into a relationship with Christ and helping people thrive in life and leadership.

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