Family Value Five: Make it Personal

Hey…welcome to the final leg of our little five day blog tour of our Five Family Values at Connexus Church. Our fifth value is just for moms and dads…something you might be surprised we're even talking about. Check it out:

If you want more information on these values,  Jeff Brodie or Jenn Bailey on our family ministry staff have all kinds of great ideas about how we can partner together at Connexus.
We've also got some other resources that might help you.  Reggie Joiner and I write the Orange Parents blog that helps connect parents around these five family values.   Reggie and I also recently released  Parenting Beyond Your Capacity, a book based on these five values.
Anyway, I hope these videos and the other resources we send your way at Connexus help you win at home!
– Carey


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Carey Nieuwhof

Written By

Carey Nieuwhof

Carey is the founding pastor of Connexus Church and has been serving in ministry since 1995. He is passionate about leading people into a relationship with Christ and helping people thrive in life and leadership.

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