3 Practical Ways To Change Your Family’s Future…Starting Now

Whether your past family experiences have been good or bad, you want something better for your family.

I get that. Family can be the source of our greatest pain and our greatest joy, and for many of us, it's a bit of both, isn't it?

Well you want the best for your family. So do we.

This Sunday at Connexus could be the beginning of a better future for you and your family.

Why's this Sunday different?
Let me explain.

1. Don't Miss the Launch of Future Family

On Sunday, we start a brand new series with Andy Stanley called Future Family.

From family fights to great memories, Andy Stanley will be tackling how to build a family for the future by sharing practical application and tools.

Not only will Andy be communicating  a number of timeless truths in this series, but we’ll also hear from his wife, Sandra, as they share what they’ve learned in their own home as they’ve raised their 3 kids.

Put this series on your calendar, call back those friends you brought with you to Meet Me at The Movies, and make sure you and your friends don't miss it!


2. Invite Someone who Influences Your Kids

The families and relatives around your kids make an impact on them. As we know, “it takes a village” to raise a child.
So maybe the person you invite is your friends from Meet Me at the Movies night. But I'll bet there are others you can bring.
Maybe a neighbour who is close to your kids, or a grandparent, an uncle, a teacher or a coach—anyone who's had a positive impact on your child's life.
One of our family values at Connexus is to widen the circle.
You may already have a wider circle of influence at work in your child's life. Bring them along!

3. Bring your kids to the same small group each week of the series

We believe one of the best ways to partner with you is to provide a small group leader, and peers, who are running in a positive spiritual direction.
While as adults, it doesn't really matter what service you attend, for your kids it's just the opposite.
That's because we provide dedicated small group leaders for your kids every Sunday at the same service. If you keep flipping service times, your kids get a different leader. If you consistently attend the same service time, they get the same group leader each week.
So one of the best decisions you can  make for your family is to stick with the same service every Sunday…and attend consistently.
That way, every Sunday the same small group leader will be there to invest in your kids.

All Of This Starts October 5th in Barrie/October 12 in Orillia

Commit to attending weekly during our “Future Family” series and, not only will your life be impacted as a parent, but your kids will experience the life change of having another consistent adult speaking spiritual truth into their life and building a relationship with them.
At Connexus we are passionate about partnering with families in order to reach the next generation.
We just want to say “yes” to the next generation! We say “yes” to helping you take the next step into the future as a family.
No matter where your family is at today, we think God has something even more exciting for you as you look towards the future.
And since you've read this far, here's 75 second preview of the series:

[tentblogger-youtube R_yLb3-D93E?list=UUyY0fmgxytdGVOM_BLS34kA]

Can't to see what happens over the next couple of month in so many families…especially yours.

– Carey


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Carey Nieuwhof

Written By

Carey Nieuwhof

Carey is the founding pastor of Connexus Church and has been serving in ministry since 1995. He is passionate about leading people into a relationship with Christ and helping people thrive in life and leadership.

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