2 Ways You Can Lose Big Without Guardrails

Guardrails - Connexus
Last week at our Barrie Campus we launched our brand new series “Guardrails” with Andy Stanley. It was a big hit, and this week, we're launching it in Orillia. But you might be wondering, why do I need Guardrails in my life? When you drive by some guardrails on the road, you may have wondered why they put it where they did. But if you ever hit one, you're sure glad it was there.
Here's the truth – guardrails are put in place to protect us, and we can put them in place in our personal lives just like on the road. If we do, we win. If we don't, we can end up in a situation that we don't want to be in and that we never planned to be in. Here's two big reasons ways you can lose without them:

  1. Your relationship with God will suffer. Without clear guardrails in our lives, all of us tend to walk close to the line of our moral standards. Whether it's alcohol or drugs, our relationships with others, honesty, finances, or many other areas, we're easily tempted to walk the line of what is acceptable. Chances are by the time you're on the line you might not care if you step over. This weekend in Orillia Andy helps us unpack this idea and examine how to set up clear and helpful guardrails to keep us out of positions we can all agree we don't want to end up in.
  2. Your friendships will suffer. Beyond our own consciences, our friendships and relationships with those around us can really lose without healthy guardrails. This week in Barrie, Andy looks at Guardrails in friendships and how we can make ourselves and our friendships richer by having them in place.

At either campus, you won't want to miss out. We've also got a fun treat planned for you!
Barrie Campus | Guardrails | Part 1: Why Can't We be Friends
Friendships are powerful things. They're great, but dangerous. You drop your guard with your friends. You become less careful. And as a result, you're easily influenced, drawn toward the acceptance you find. Because of this vulnerability, it would be smart to develop some guardrails. It's not an easy thing – but it might end up saving you from future pain.
8.30 and 10.00 am | Galaxy Cinemas, Barrie
Invite your friend to Barrie here.
Orillia Campus |Guardrails | Part 1: Direct and Protect
Nobody plans to enter into a violent marriage. Nobody plans to ruin his or her finances. Nobody plans to struggle with an addiction. What steps do you take to make sure these things don't happen? Set up guardrails. You can tell yourself that you'll “be careful.” Well, setting up guardrails is how you “be careful.”
8.30 and 10 am | Family Ministry @ 10am | Galaxy Cinemas, Orillia
Invite your friend to Orillia here.



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Carey Nieuwhof

Written By

Carey Nieuwhof

Carey is the founding pastor of Connexus Church and has been serving in ministry since 1995. He is passionate about leading people into a relationship with Christ and helping people thrive in life and leadership.

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