What Connexus is Really All About

–>As we head into Thanksgiving weekend, a question for you to reflect on: when Connexus opens two months from now, who are you going to invite to come with you? 

Chances are that at some point this weekend you'll be getting together with someone who doesn't go to church.  Maybe your uncle, a cousin, a good friend, your spouse, a child,a neighbour, a co-worker. Two questions. Do you care that they don't have a growing relationship with Jesus Christ?  And second and equally important, what would you do about it?  After all, we all need somewhere  to take people to begin their spiritual journey. 

That's why I'm so excited by the opportunity Connexus will bring when it launches this December.  People who don't go to church need irresistible, relevant environments where they can discover God for themselves (with you at their side, treating them to lunch, hanging out with their family, processing what went on, praying for them in your time alone with God and then quietly walking with them as they discover a relationship with Jesus).  You already have this network of relationships Jesus can use, we just need to give you an opportunity to leverage them into an invitation into an environment people actually want to be in.

All we want to do at Connexus is provide irresistible, relevant environments that lead people into a growing relationship with Jesus. That's it.  Because the truth is, people who don't go to church actually don't want to go to church as they know it.  Otherwise they'd already be there.  (It's kind of a no-brainer when you see it put that plainly, but it's just true.) 

We want our Sunday morning environments to be contagiously engaging, our small group environments to be the kind of home people have longed for all their lives, our KidStuf environments to be seriously fun, inviting and helpful, our Waumba Land, UpStreet, Extreme and InsideOut environments to be irresistible so that everybody gets drawn into a growing relationship with Jesus.  We want them to be the kind of environments that your friends and family experience, then turn to you and say "why didn't you tell me about this earlier?" 

The secret to leading people into a growing relationship with Jesus is this: you bring them.  That's what people did in Jesus day.  They met this Jesus, a wildly irreligious guy who was SO different from the religious tedium of his day, who actually embodied the love of God, and then they invited their friends.

This weekend you'll be seated around people who want to meet Jesus but have never been given a relevant environment to meet Him in.  At some point they'll either be seated across from you, beside you, with you in the car or on the back deck, or at the hockey rink or by the beach (the weather this weekend looks so sweet).  Why don't you begin planning right now, this long weekend, who you will bring with you in December?  I promise you this: we will do everything we possibly can to provide an irresistible environment that will lead them into a growing relationship with Jesus. 

So now you know what to do.  The question is, will you begin now?  After all, church isn't actually just for Christians.  It's for people.



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