Just Ask….

We've talked a lot about community over the last week or so, in light of Cindy's accident and also in light of H-Bomb, our current series.  It's been fantastic to see community practiced.

How do we share this?  After all, God's heart doesn't just beat strong for those of us who know him — it beats passionately for people who don't. 

How do we reach them?  We've gotten several emails over the last week that have encouraged our team so much and point to exactly how it happens best.  It happens when you personally invite people to come with you.

A Connexus couple in their twenties emailed us to tell us about their experience.  Listen in:

We invited friends of ours to the service on Sunday in Orillia. This couple did not grow up in the church at all, but have an understanding of what the typical Canadian church is like – ‘complete insensitivity and absolute boredom'.

It's interesting how when you invite people like this out for the first time, it somehow enables you to see everything through their eyes from when you drive in to when you drive out. My wife and I were not sure how they'd feel about everything, but we hoped for the best.

We went out for lunch afterwards, an d they told us how much they enjoyed the whole morning. They loved it! They talked about everything – coffee and tea, music, organization, sensitivity, feeling comfortable… It was soooo cool to hear. We were loving the comments, of course, and were wondering if they'd want to come back again. Before we had a chance to ask them they said, ‘We'll be back next week for sure'.

This is exactly the kind of dynamic we pray will be happening each week with hundreds of people.  Think about it…all this couple did was ask another couple to come with them, and they did.  Think about how impactful that could be.  When people actually meet God, it changes things forever.

Who has God placed in your life that you could ask to come with you this weekend?   We'll do our best to provide the most irresistible environment we can.  All we need to do, is ask our friends to come with us.

Got a story to share about someone you invited?  Let us know!

– Carey


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Carey Nieuwhof

Written By

Carey Nieuwhof

Carey is the founding pastor of Connexus Church and has been serving in ministry since 1995. He is passionate about leading people into a relationship with Christ and helping people thrive in life and leadership.

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