What Are You Doing With Jesus This Week?

I'm so grateful for the dialogue Jesus the Guru, is generating.  But I want it to go way beyond talk about Jesus and focus on talking with Jesus. 

How's that going for you?

In week one of the series, I encouraged people to read their Bibles and interact with God in prayer as though God was alive (because He is).  After all, Christianity claims a personal God whom we can actually know. I suggested reading something like the Gospel of John to get started – a chronicle about the significance of who Jesus was.  Did you try that?  If so, how has trying to begin or kindle a personal dialogue with God through the Bible gone?  Blog back.  Leave a comment!

In week two, I'm encouraging each of us to change the way we pray.  Instead of asking God to do everything we want, I encouraged us to try to do the things He wants by actually submitting ourselves to Jesus' incredible teaching.  The rest of the world values Jesus' teachings immensely.  Many Christians don't – we pay lip service but not life-service to Jesus' teachings.  We read his words don't implement them, and then complain when our life doesn't work out well.

So I encouraged us to change our devotional habits.  Instead of

  • Praying in the shower, car or drive-thru line, start each day (or evening) with 10-15 minutes of focused prayer and scripture reading.
  • Telling God stuff you want changed when you pray…start by asking God to open you to His Word.

Try spending a week in three chapters of Matthew (Matthew 5-7).  Some suggestion as you read:

  • Ask God to change you (too many Christians ask God to change).
  • Ask God to show you how to apply these teachings directly to your life
  • Shape your prayer around how God might want to shape and change you.

The bottom line:  Jesus is personal and real, and in other religions, you change when you convert. Christians need to change too.

This week, let us know how the journey is going.  What are you reading?  How is it shaping you?  How are you actually discovering/experiencing Jesus today? This week?  Let us know!

– Carey


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