This Weekend @ Connexus | November 21st, 2010

We're excited to have the Like Me series all about social media, faith and relationships in full motion at our campuses this weekend. If you attend our Orillia campus, you won't want to be late. We've got something fun and a bit hard to believe right at the beginning of the service.
In Barrie, we've got some fun pre-service elements planned and overflow will be open at 10:00. So bring your friends.
And whatever campus you're at, make sure you bring your phones. We'd love to interact more with you! You can find Connexus on twitter and on Facebook. And you connect with our staff on Facebook and twitter easily. You can find us all here.
Anyway, bring your friends for what is shaping up to be a great weekend @connexuschurch!

Like Me | Week Two: Conflicted (Carey Nieuwhof)

Facebook bullying. Defriending. Messages that say things you would never say face to face. Why is it that we feel we can say and do things online that we would never say or do offline? How do you handle online conflict? Join us as we explore what to do when you are offended or when you are the offender.Service Times: 8:30 -9:40am & 10:00-11:10am | Galaxy Cinema 72 Commerce Park Drive Barrie
Like Me | Week One:  All About Me (Carey Nieuwhof)
You can publish a lot of information about yourself on line.  Between your profile, your photos and a constant stream of updates about what you’re up to lurks a question: does social media fuel narcissism?  What can you do to guard your soul against your online presence being all about you?
Service Times: 8:30–9:40am & 10:00-11:10am | Galaxy Cinema 865 West Ridge Blvd. Orillia

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