This Weekend @ Connexus

Really looking forward to Sunday.  For starters, I'm pumped because I'll be preaching live in Orillia on Sunday with the final message in the I Doubt It series. Can't wait to see everyone in Orillia again on Sunday! And one of the best preachers going is beginning a new series in Barrie Sunday (hint, it's not me!). And, Barrie, you'll have some really cool people to host the service Sunday.  Some of our Orillia team is heading to Barrie to say hi. It should be a great weekend at both campuses!

Second, we've got some big stuff coming down the pipes for the summer/early fall.  Just when I thought June was a big month, our team did more planning.  Stay tuned!

So, I'm hoping you'll be here this weekend with some friends.  Hey, I'm even interrupting my holidays to come back to preach Sunday, and happy to do it (there's a neat story behind it)….

Here's the skinny:

Orillia Campus | Sunday July 6th 2008   

I Doubt It | Part Four: I Just Doubt

Are doubts an inherent part of the Christian faith? Do people ever reach a stage where we just stop doubting? Why is it that sometimes as we grow spiritually, we question more, not less? What does God think of our doubts? What do we do with our doubts? Join us as we see how doubts are an essential part of a life of faith.

I am Free
Filled with Your Glory
Blessed be your name

Barrie Campus | Sunday July 6th 2008

Simple | Part One:  Follow Me

There is a common misconception that the church is a gathering place for saintly, perfect people. Moreover, some think that being a Christian means observing a set of rules or commandments. The reality is that the Christian life is about a relationship with Jesus Christ. And at the heart of that relationship is an invitation that Jesus extends to people from all experiences of life: "Follow me."


Sing to the King
Blessed be your name
Rain Down

See you Sunday!



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Carey Nieuwhof

Written By

Carey Nieuwhof

Carey is the founding pastor of Connexus Church and has been serving in ministry since 1995. He is passionate about leading people into a relationship with Christ and helping people thrive in life and leadership.

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