So You Want to Help…

–>Many of you have asked how you can help us get Connexus going.  Man, I love questions like that.  At the end of this post you'll see that we're coming to your region next month to talk with you directly about how you can contribute to the launch of Connexus.

Trust me, there will be plenty to do. Right now, our core team is getting all the logistics done to actually create Connexus and find space for us to meet.  Plus, we all have day jobs where we are putting in 40+ hours a week at Trinity until October 31st. 

November will be a month of transition for everyone wanting to make the move to Connexus.  If we are able to secure the current Trinity facility, the transition will be a littler simpler.  If we're moving, it will be all hands on deck. Regardless, it will be a time to pitch in like never before.  We'll be training tech crews, more fully staffing our family ministry environments, training new worship leaders and more since, even if we stay in our facility, the launch of Bracebridge will be, God willing, only 10 months away. So stay tuned…there will be plenty to do.

Some of you are asking about helping financially!  Great question. We, uh, need to, uh, tell you that we'll only be in a position to receive those gifts in a week or two.  We'll share more on that in the next week when we get our bank account set up.  (In the meantime, we continue to urge you to keep you giving to the current ministry at Trinity the full 10% tithe until October 31st.)  We are also planning on setting up on-line givings to Connexus in the next 20 days.  So stay tuned for that.

There will be a couple of general information meetings on how you can get directly involved with the launch of Connexus on Saturday October 20th and Saturday October 27th in your region. Look for a card like this to come to a mailbox near you soon. And while you're at it, mark the date now! 

Final thing you can do in the meantime is stay engaged and pray.  We don't mean to be cliche in any way, but you have no idea how important your prayers for this work are.  Remember, none of us can change lives — only God can.  So ask, and pray for us and our community as we pray for you.  Thanks!

Carey Nieuwhof
Lead Pastor
Connexus Community Church


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Carey Nieuwhof

Written By

Carey Nieuwhof

Carey is the founding pastor of Connexus Church and has been serving in ministry since 1995. He is passionate about leading people into a relationship with Christ and helping people thrive in life and leadership.

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