School's In! – Sunday September 9th

Small is Big
School's in! Kids are dressed up in the latest clothes, parents are getting back into the routine and the first breaths of fall are in the air. It's likely a busy season for many of you, and there's a buzz in the air this fall at Connexus as well. Over the coming months, we've got some really, really fun things planned. We think you'll be pumped!
This weekend is no exception as we wrap up Taking Responsibility for Your Life in Orillia and talk about something close to our hearts; small groups, in Barrie.
Barrie Campus | Small is Big
Everybody wants a big breakthrough.  Often we’ll look to something big to find it.  But what if small is the key to a big breakthrough? Being part of a small group can make all the difference in your faith journey.  In this message, Carey will share why God designed small community groups to be part of a big experience of him.
8.30 and 10.00 am | Galaxy Cinemas, Barrie
Invite your friend here!
Orillia Campus | Taking Responsibility For Your Life | Part 4: Your Response Ability

Life isn't fair. When we draw the short straw, were quick to point that out. We're quick to come up with excuses and deny the responsibilities we've been given, whether we've received much in life or very little. But the truth is, it's not about how unfair life is, it's really about how we respond. We don't get to choose what opportunities come our way, but we do get to choose our responses. Your response ability is up to you.

8.30 and 10 am | Family Ministry @ 10am | Galaxy Cinemas, Orillia
Invite your friend here!
At both campuses chime in on twitter using the hashtag #trfyl or by tweeting us @connexuschurch!


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Carey Nieuwhof

Written By

Carey Nieuwhof

Carey is the founding pastor of Connexus Church and has been serving in ministry since 1995. He is passionate about leading people into a relationship with Christ and helping people thrive in life and leadership.

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