Looking Back…Looking Ahead

A quick post to say thanks for this incredible last few months to God and to all of you for these incredible months that have launched Connexus, a ministry we pray will lead thousands of people into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ through relevant environments. 

Hard to believe that two months ago, Connexus didn't yet exist.  A lot of great things have happened, haven't they?  What are your memories?  What are the things that will live in in your heart for months and years?

I honestly think the thing that is most remarkable for me has been people's incredibly generous hearts with time and resources.  I can't believe that the faces that show up at 6 a.m. every Sunday and give sacrificially smile so brightly.  Your spirit and love for God is contagious!  And people have given resources so sacrificially to launch Connexus praying God uses the money to change lives.  He is, and He will.  And we're so grateful.

Some news/highlights before I say "Happy New Year":


  • Thanks for Christmas at the Waterfront Christmas Eve.  Wow!  What a great night  Thanks to all the paid and volunteer staff who spend over 9 hours from start to finish to set up and tear down the gear to host this amazing event.  The spirit was contagious and something we'll remember for years.  People ask how many came.  Truthfully, no one counted (drat). It was hard to count, actually.  But apparently we handed out over 470 programmes and there were many kids and tons of hot chocolate consumed. So it was hundred and hundreds.  And I think everyone who was there would come back in a heartbeat.  Thanks all!  What are your memories?
  • We are gearing up for a great 08 — our first full year!  We launch the new year with H-Bomb, a series about killing the hypocrite that lives inside each of us.  We're going to talk honestly about why our words don't match our actions, and how to change that.  Hypocrisy is one of the major reasons people are leery of Christians.  I think it would be great to invite your friends.  They might be amazed that Christians are finally ready to talk honestly about our hypocrisy.  And they might discover that it can help them a lot too.
  • You've got two weeks to invite a friend or family member to join you at Connexus in 2008.  H-Bomb in so many ways is the perfect series for this too. Far more effective than flyers, billboards and radio ads in reaching people, a personal invitation is irreplaceable.  If we each invited one person next year, we would double the scope of our ministry in a single year (that would mean over 1600 people would be part of what God is doing through us each week at this point next year).
  • Just a reminder there's no service at either campus on Sunday December 30th.  Our volunteers have worked so hard to launch Connexus that we're giving everyone a week off.  Think of it as extra time with God, without all the pressure of pulling together a weekend service.  We'll all come back with a spring in our step January 6th at both campuses.

I'll be praying for you and your friends. Thrilled by what is behind, and excited at what is ahead!

Carey Nieuwhof
Lead Pastor
Connexus Community Church


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