It's Summer – Why Not Skip Church?

So summer is officially here.  A question we all struggle with from time to time is why bother going to church?
I've asked that question more than once in the last few years.  Ten years ago, if you missed church, you missed everything.  You might grab a CD or cassette (remember those) of the message, but you missed the rest.
Today, you can watch our messages for free online in HD (or watch or listen to our iTunes podcast).  Stream it to your flat screen and it still looks great.  Load up your favourite worship songs on your iPod and it can almost feel like being there. As of this year, you can even give on line.  The cynics might think the main reason preachers wanted you to go to church was so you'd drop something in the plate.  But even that incentive is gone.  And you can interact with us here on the blog or on Facebook.
So why not just skip physical attendance and just stay plugged in virtually?
Here's why I still wouldn't want to miss our community, even if I wasn't ‘the preacher':

Relationship happens best in person. God uses other people to grow us.  When you meet others and interact personally, you're almost always better for it.

You can only bring your friends to something you participate in.  We started Connexus to be a church unchurched people love to attend.  That only really works when you bring them!  Summer's a great time to bring them.

People become Christians in the summer and grow spiritually in the summer too. God loves to move in people's lives all year long.

You can't serve from a lounge chair.  Serving others is such a huge part of the Christian (and Connexus) experience.  When you serve, God stretches and grows you.  It's awesome.

There's something about being there.  Something often happens in my heart in a room with other people that doesn't happen the same way at home.

There's something about prioritizing God that helps us die to our selfishness.  This is true when I give financially, when I give of  my time, and when I decide I'm going anyway even though the beach is beautiful.  Every time I die to myself, I live a little more for Christ.

I'm so glad we've got new ways to stay connected when we are away for a few Sundays.  But summer is a time when we see can see God move powerfully.
Why do you love actually showing up on weekends?  Who are you investing in that you could invite to join you this Sunday?
Here's what's happening at our campuses.
Barrie | Galaxy Cinema – 72 Commerce Park Dr. Barrie
Service times 8.30 & 10 am
Born This Way | Part Four – Delayed Reaction :: Carey Nieuwhof
Having learned all that we’ve learned so far about our sinful nature and where we end up in life, why do we keep ending up in places we don’t want to be?  We all face a choice in every situation we encounter: delayed complication or delayed gratification.  Understanding the difference can provide a critical insight  that can lead to real transformation.
Orillia | Galaxy Cinema – 865 West Ridge Blvd. Orillia
Service times 8.30 & 10.00
Born This Way | Part Three: Quick Test  :: Carey Nieuwhof
You can take a pregnancy test, a driver’s test or even a math test and the results are clear.  Don’t you wish you could take a faith test – to see whether you’re really following Jesus in an area of your life? Well, maybe you can.  We’ll show you how this week.
Gonna be great!
– Carey


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Carey Nieuwhof

Written By

Carey Nieuwhof

Carey is the founding pastor of Connexus Church and has been serving in ministry since 1995. He is passionate about leading people into a relationship with Christ and helping people thrive in life and leadership.

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