Heart Break Journal – Day Three | September 2nd

Carey – 8:59 a.m.

So here we are on day three of Heart Break.  Nine of us gathered at 7 a.m. at the Waterfront in Barrie to pray.  Impressions?  Man, it's hard to pray for an entire city.  There are so many thoughts.  So many needs.  So many people.  Still, it was great to meet with others who want our hearts to break over what breaks God's heart.

I am still overwhelmed by the number of unchurched people (162,896) in the city of Barrie and the number of people under 24.  We prayed for the nightclubs, coffee shops and bars of the city this morning, thinking about all the social interaction that happens there.  Georgian College students and kids/families heading back to school were really on my mind too.

We also spent a lot of time praying for the poor and displaced of the city.  Really hoping our community groups each find a place in the community to serve people with less.  We'll be training our leaders on that again this fall as part of a venture we're calling Intersect.

As I reflect on Nehemiah, I'm tempted to just get overwhelmed by the depth of the problems in our city and the opportunity in our region, but I am reminded how God uses ordinary people (like Nehemiah) to accomplish extraordinary things.

Final thought:  what's happening in your life this week?  How are you feeling after three days of no food or no "thing" you gave up?  What's God writing on your heart?  What's exciting you, bothering you?  What is God saying? 

Rich – 9:10 am

had a good time praying this morning.  We were praying for the
businesses of Orillia.  I was reflecting during our time how business
and leadership often go together.  People that own certain businesses
in town are also those people who lead other initiatives in our
community.  The business community is one that the church often doesn't
think about.  But this area of our communities is in need of the hope
and truth of the message of Jesus as much (or maybe even more) than
other areas that we will be praying for this week.  But enough from me
. . . what about you?  What is God showing you this week about what
breaks his heart?

"I urge you, first of all, to pray for all people.
Ask God to help them; intercede on their behalf, and give thanks for
them. Pray this way for kings and all who are in authority so that we
can live peaceful and quiet lives marked by godliness and dignity. This
is good and pleases God our Savior, who wants everyone to be saved and
to understand the truth."

– 1 Timothy 2:1-4

Carey 5:22

I have over 50 emails to answer, numerous priorities pushing at me, and if I wasn't fasting and doing this Heart Break thing, I think I'd sail into the weekend very differently.   I'm grateful for the hunger right now, even though here on day 3 I am way less hungry or week than I expected.  I want God to keep pressing at my heart and making me make time for Him.


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