God & Sex Sunday Recap

So both our campuses were in the God and Sex series this weekend.  It was great to see so many out on such a gorgeous weekend, but the subject is more than a little relevant to our lives in so many ways.  I hope this engages a healthy, healing dialogue in many many lives. (If you missed the messages, catch them here on get the podcasts on iTunes.)  So many of you have already said that this has been so helpful.  Man, I'm just grateful for God's Word, which allows us to dig in on stuff that's so related to our actual lives.

As we get into this discussion, I know there will be some who want to talk about it more. Naturally, some of that discussion will happen here on line or on my personal blog.  That's great!  But some of us are going to want to go deeper and talk to someone – even seek help over an issue that's bothering us.  Where do you turn?

Here are a few suggestions:

  1. Talk to someone in your community group. You can chat about things in the safety of your group, or call your best friend in the group. If you're not in a group, maybe sit down with a good friend to talk.
  2. We're here.  Our staff are always happy to chat, and we've got a good group of counselors we refer people to all the time. 
  3. Check out some on-line help and resources that are available:
    • To get help with an addiction to porn, visit XXXchurch.com.  More than anyone else I know of on-line, they've helped people break the addiction.  The on-line stories alone are motivational. Plus find practical things like accountability software you can use to help you.
    • For good resources on those struggling with same sex attraction, New Direction is a local ministry that has a great track record and ministry.  Exodus International has also done incredible work in this area.
    • Focus on the Family has some very helpful articles on sexuality. You can browse for helpful articles for parents, couples, singles and more.
    • As an aside, I know some of you will want this. Although it no longer appears to be on the official focus site, the article I reference in week two of James Dobson on the issue of masturbation also appears here. For a contrary view from xxxchurch.com founder Craig Gross, see this.

There are a lot of ways to continue the dialogue, here, in person or on-line. You're not alone, and as we see, there is life within the limits of sexuality the way God designed it. 

If you have other questions or comments, feel free to post them here.  As always, you don't have to use your real name.

Can wait to talk about this again next weekend. Thanks for bringing so many of your friends into the conversation.  It was great to meet so many new people this weekend!

Carey Nieuwhof
Lead Pastor


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