Day 35 – November 13, 2012 – 40 Day Spiritual Journey

READ 1 Timothy 6: 6-7, 17-19

After watching news footage of the devastating wildfires in western North America this summer, it became increasingly clear how quickly possessions, property and material wealth can disappear. Home security systems failed to protect, highly skilled firefighters could not preserve and no amount of money was able to safeguard the greatly valued collections of things.

As North Americans, we are privileged to live in one of the most affluent societies in history. Sadly, our culture has embraced the idea that wealth and importance is measured solely on the basis of our material possessions. The values of family, health and simplicity have been increasingly eroded and it becomes exceedingly more difficult for us to see what is important from God’s perspective.

Earthly riches do not extend beyond this life, but how we choose to use these valuable resources now, certainly does. As humans, we tend to be selfish with our time, our money and our possessions, but we need to remember that everything we have came from God and belongs to Him. Even though God has provided many of us with abundantly more than our basic needs, his intention was never for us to amass riches strictly for our own enjoyment. The apostle Paul commanded the rich to do good, be rich in doing good deeds, be generous and always ready to share.

The thrill and excitement eventually dies when we purchase yet another new thing for ourselves, but selfless giving creates a lasting inner contentment and joy that you have pleased God and allowed Him to show His great love to others through your actions. No amount of money can buy that internal peace and satisfaction.


We must learn to put the accumulation of material wealth in its proper place, in light of God’s economy. Our hope is in God revealed through Jesus Christ, not in our earthly wealth.


Be generous with whatever resources you have, building into God’s kingdom through the lives of others. God gave His best or most precious when He gave His son to purchase our salvation. Likewise, we need to give our best.


Pray for the boldness to give even when it’s uncomfortable and to trust God to provide for your needs.

Greg & Chris Pestell


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Carey Nieuwhof

Written By

Carey Nieuwhof

Carey is the founding pastor of Connexus Church and has been serving in ministry since 1995. He is passionate about leading people into a relationship with Christ and helping people thrive in life and leadership.

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