Clocks Forward & Three Letter Word This Weekend at Connexus

Yes!  It's that weekend. Flip your clocks ahead one hour before bed Saturday night. And you'll be highly motivated to get to bed because we're in the middle of our  Three Letter Word series.
Okay, maybe that was a bit cheesy. But the truth is we're having some great conversations around the whole issue of trust and prayer because of the Three Letter Word series. People are so engaged I actually rewrote the whole end of the series (coming up in a few weeks) to answer some of the questions you're asking. That pretty much never happens, but it's exciting when it does.
It's also a great series to invite a friend to. Lots of families are looking for something to do on March break. Betcha they never thought about church.
Their kids will LOVE our kids environments Sunday…so bring them! Besides, trust and how we relate to God are huge issues in many people's minds, and we're drilling down on those in a big way. So join us, and bring a friend.
You can call them, or if you prefer, let us help. Just use our online invitation. To invite someone to Orillia, click here, or to Barrie, here.
Here are the details:

Barrie :: Three Letter Word | Part Four: Holding Out (Carey Nieuwhof)

In learning to trust God, some things are easy to surrender. Other things, not so much. Most of us have at least one thing in our lives that we are unwilling to give up. And it’s that very thing which God will often ask of us.
Service Times: 8:30 -9:40am & 10:00-11:10am | Galaxy Cinema 72 Commerce Park Drive Barrie

Orillia :: Three Letter Word | Part Three: Available (Carey Nieuwhof)
So what does God really want? Often we feel we need to bring something to God – to offer him something. But what if God doesn’t want your ability? What if instead he really wants your availability?
Service Times: 8:30–9:40am & 10:00-11:10am | Galaxy Cinema 865 West Ridge Blvd. Orillia

Remember, clocks forward.  It's going to be a great weekend!

– Carey


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Carey Nieuwhof

Written By

Carey Nieuwhof

Carey is the founding pastor of Connexus Church and has been serving in ministry since 1995. He is passionate about leading people into a relationship with Christ and helping people thrive in life and leadership.

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