Central Ontario – Very Smart Communities

Did you catch this?  Maclean's magazine ran a survey earlier this month on Canada's smartest cities.

Did you know that Barrie is listed as the sixth smartest city in Canada?  Orillia is just three points behind Barrie, and both cities are smarter than Toronto or the GTA?  Sometimes Torontians take jabs at Central Ontario. It's also commonplace around here to look at our problems and weaknesses rather than our strengths.  I guess we need to look at ourselves again. Check out the results for yourself. We're smarter than we think. 

The survey measured four areas of "smartness": academic education, applied education, volunteerism, and participation in cultural activities.

It's got me thinking (with not many answers yet): how do we impact a culture that values education, volunteerism and culture?  How do we cooperate with a community that clearly sets itself a step ahead? 

I love how our services try to make an every day impact.  I love how we use elements of pop culture in our services.  I love how our community groups are serving beyond themselves and partnering with different organizations in the community to serve the poor and needy.  I love the initial steps we are taking?

How can Connexus become even more engaged with our communities that are clearly engaged in deeper ways than many people think?  Love to hear your reaction to this story and survey.

– Carey


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