An Advantage Every Parent Can Give Their Kids This Year

So your kids are back to school this week (finally!).
My guess is you are settling into your routine for a new year. That's why I wanted to talk to you about the one of the greatest things you can do for your child or teen this year.
It's so simply it might surprise you: attend the same service every week.
I think this simple change will give them an advantage every kid needs.  Now I know what you're thinking:   why does it matter to anyone which service you attend or catch up on what you missed online?
Because your son or daughter isn't just in kids' ministry or student ministry when they come to Connexus…they are in community.   Every child and teen at Connexus is a part of a small group on Sundays, and we connect them with a group leader who wants to get to know them personally.  To build a relationship with them.  To pray with them.  And to help apply what we're learning personally for each child. From Waumba Land (our preschooler environment) right through to Inside Out (for high schoolers), we've built our ministry on a small groups model.
You might simply miss church and grab the podcast, but they miss community. You can't podcast that. As an adult you might get your community mid week at your community group, but children and teen get their community Sunday mornings at Waumba Land, UpStreet and Transit, and for high schoolers Sunday night at Inside Out.
Attending consistently gives your child or teen the opportunity to build a great relationship with the same small group leader every week, not to mention develop new friendship that will provide positive direction in their lives.  As a parent, that gives you a wider circle of influence because then you've got another consistent voice in your child's life saying the same thing you would say as their parent.
So in 2012, I'd love for you to pick a service to attend and attend it consistently (8:30 or 10:00 – note, family ministry is only offered at 10:00 in Orillia, and in Barrie we'd love for your family to be part of 8:30).  Widen your circle of influence as a parent by pursuing strategic relationships for your kids.  The benefits accumulate.  Time spent with leaders who care about them personally gives your child an advantage many kids never experience.  If you want to read more about it, our friend Reggie Joiner has written about it here.
Looking forward to Sunday.  And really looking forward to what God does in the life of your son or daughter this year.

– Carey


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Carey Nieuwhof

Written By

Carey Nieuwhof

Carey is the founding pastor of Connexus Church and has been serving in ministry since 1995. He is passionate about leading people into a relationship with Christ and helping people thrive in life and leadership.

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