Amazed (Still)

Three days ago we had a baptism service that saw 24 people step into Bass Lake to be baptized.  It's Wednesday.  I'm still amazed.
What's so amazing about it?  I'd love your thoughts.  Here are a few of mine:

  • God is moving.  That many people don't get baptized unless God is up to something.  The more you get to know their personal stories, the more you can see the Holy Spirit is writing a bigger story in many lives.  If we tried to take credit for it, we couldn't (and shouldn't).  God is at work.
  • You invited them.  Many of the people baptized weren't regularly attending church 18 months ago.  They came because someone who attended Connexus invited them.  One person told me that Sunday night reminded her so deeply that even when someone says “no” to attending church, keep asking.  Her friend who said “no” more than once was baptized Sunday.  Now she's said yes to Christ.  That's allowing God to use you.
  • Relationship is central. It was so awesome to watch small groups, friends and family cheer on those being baptized.  The genuine smiles on people's faces, joy at seeing their friends make a life-changing decision and their love and support for one another was so huge.
  • It was thoughtful.  Sometimes people make emotional, spur of the moment decisions to become a Christ follower and be baptized.  Those are moments worth celebrating!  But the majority of those baptized have been investigating Christianity for months or even a year.  They weren't easy converts.  They thought about it…kicked the tires…had endless hours of conversation with friends…went to Starting Point…joined a community group or began serving before they made a decision.  They  took ample time to make up their minds.  I actually thanked many of them for doing that.  We want to be the kind of place where the not-easily convinced can explore Christianity at their own pace.  Plus, I sometimes think thorough investigation up front makes for more lasting commitment down the road.

So grateful to God for the incredible moment.
Connexus – thank you for being a church unchurched people love to attend!   I know we're not like every other church, and that's intentional.  We want to be a place where you can keep inviting your friends out week after week after week.  That's why we do what we do.  Sunday brought that into razor sharp focus.
– Carey


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