Helping you win with your money, whether you feel like you have it or don't.

Financial Learning Experience

You probably think the church just wants your money.

Nope. We want to help you win with your money. We want you to thrive, not just survive.

The Financial Learning Experience (FLE) is designed to help you.

The FLE is open to anyone who:

  • Is struggling with their money.
  • Is in debt or never has enough money at the end of the month.
  • Doesn’t have money challenges, but is looking for personal financial tips or is interested saving money.
  • Is wondering how much they need to retire one day.
  • Wants to live with margin so they can live on mission.

The Financial Learning Experience consists of two opportunities:

    • FLE 1.0 is a one-time online event // 2024 dates TBA.
    • FLE 2.0 is a six-session online small group // 2024 dates TBA.

FLE 1.0 and 2.0 can be taken separately or together. Both are super practical, action oriented, and biblically based. Jump in and be inspired to take charge of your finances.